Breast Implant Revision and Removal

 Breast implant revision is a surgery involving the removal or replacement of breast implants.

Breast Implant Removal

There are many reasons people with breast implants may choose to have implants removed. Including health issues unrelated to the implants themselves, like breast cancer where certain treatment is more effective after implant removal.

Breast implants may also be removed due to complications with the implants like implant rupture, shifting of the implant, or implant hardening. Another reason a person may choose to have their implants removed is because they no longer want implants or their size no longer fits their aesthetic. Regardless of the reason, any person dissatisfied with their breast implants has the option to undergo breast implant revision or removal.

Is Breast Implant Revision right for you?

There are a number of reasons why people choose to undergo breast implant revision. People with implants sometimes experience complications after their initial breast augmentation or implant reconstruction. These complications can include breast pain, asymmetry, implant deflation, or other side effects which make a second procedure necessary.

Some women might want implant revision because they are dissatisfied with the results of their breast augmentation. For example, the size, shape or position. When this is the case, it is important to be direct and communicate your vision with your surgeon to find a safe and feasible solution for you.

Options in Implant Revision Surgery

There are many surgical options combining the various technical elements of implant revision and removal.

Implant Removal

Many women choose to have their implants removed and not replaced (explant). One of these is Breast Implant Illness (BII). There is still a lot of research needed to understand the causes of BII, but many women report that upon getting their implants removed, their symptoms associated with BII subside.

If no replacement or other surgery is required, drains are inserted to close the space left by the absence of the implants and the incision is then closed. After an explant, the stretched breast tissue can appear droopy.

Removal and Breast Lift

Some people who have their breast implants removed also choose to have additional surgery (breast lift) to reduce droopiness and preserve breast shape and size.

In a breast lift, the breast tissue (and sometimes fat from other parts of the body) is moved and tightened to re-create volume and a more natural looking breast mound. A lift will also help raise a lower nipple position.

While a breast lift at the time of explant will produce an aesthetic and natural looking breast, there will be additional scarring on the body.

Removal and Replacement

Depending on the reason for the removal and the goals of the patient, implants can be replaced immediately after removal. If the replacement is because of an implant rupture, similar implants can be replaced in the same pocket. However, if they have been removed because of capsular contracture, they are often replaced in a different pocket to prevent the contracture from occurring again. When implants are removed and replaced due to incorrect positioning, the implants do not have to be changed, and can be cleaned and re-inserted once the correct position and pocket has been created.

Every breast implant revision and removal is performed under General Anaesthesia. While every effort is made to reduce visible scarring, the incisions made will depend on the type of implant, degree of revision required, and your anatomy.  

After your Surgery

On average people will spend 1-2 nights in hospital depending on what kind of surgery they have. Post-surgery pain can vary from mild to moderate, but patients are given painkillers to manage pain. Most people can walk around the day of their surgery but should have a couple of weeks off from work and other activities. People can return to work sooner if the work is not strenuous. Vigorous activity should be avoided for about four weeks to minimise potential swelling, bleeding and bruising.  

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