When to refer for Melanoma  

Melanoma Doctors Information

Australia and New Zealand have the highest incidence of melanoma in the world so as Australian medical professionals, we are no strangers to treating patients with skin cancer.

Most melanomas are diagnosed and managed by dermatologists or general practitioners but for later stage melanoma, your patients may need to see a surgeon like me.

Melanoma patients can be referred to surgeons for wide surgical excision of the primary melanoma, sentinel lymph node biopsy or complete nodal surgery, along with coordination of care with medical and radiation oncologists.

Refer to a specialist (Dermatologist, Plastics or General Surgeon) if:

  • management is outside of your scope (subungual, facial and large lesions, etc)

  • primary closure is not possible

  • local recurrence (including in-transit or nodal disease) or margins are close or positive.